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An input component to authenticate a user using an authentication link or passkeys (if registered).


<!-- And yes, it works out of the box -->
<!-- You can also customize the placeholder -->
<np-login placeholder="enter your email"></np-login>
<!-- and the session lifetime -->
<np-login lifetime="86000"></np-login>
<!-- or the session idle timeout -->
<np-login idletimeout="3600" lifetime="86000"></np-login>


idtextno”input”The input component id.
valueemailnoundefinedThe user’s email.
placeholdertextno”Your email”The input field placeholder.
passkeysbooleannoundefinedTrue if passkeys is supported and ready to authenticate.
stateStatenoundefinedThe component’s internal state.
lifetimenumberno”86400” (24h)The session maximum duration in seconds
idletimeoutnumbernolifetimeThe session inactivity timeout in seconds
enum State {
EMAIL_SENDING = "email:link:sending", // sending an email link
EMAIL_SENT = "email:link:sent", // the email link has been sent
EMAIL_VERIFYING = "email:link:verifying", // verifying the callback code from the email link
AUTHENTICATED = "authenticated", // the user is authenticated (using email or passkey)
PASSKEYS_VERIFYING = "passkeys:verifying", // the user is anthenticating with passkey
ERROR = "error", // an error occured


loginWithEmail()Starts programmatically the email link login flow. Don’t forget to set the email property before calling it.
getSession()Returns the current session (Promise<Session>). Null if not authenticated.

Custom Events

np:loginThe user has been authenticated.Session
np:errorSomething went wrong.NoPwdError

The np:login custom event detail is defined as follow:

// AuthEvent type definition
interface Session {
created_at: number; // when the session has been created
expires_at: number; // the session expiration date
idle_lifetime: number; // the session idle lifetime
token: string; // the last generated token
refreshed_at: number; // when a new token has been generated
token_payload: TokenPayload; // its payload
suggest_passkeys: boolean; // true if the user doesn't use a passkey and the browser support it

The np:error custom event detail inherites from the NoPwdError.


inputThe component’s input wrapper.
buttonThe component’s button wrapper.