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Tokens endpoints

GET/tokens/:tokenVerifies an access token and returns its payload if valid

GET /tokens/:token

Verifies an access token and returns its payload if valid. The returned payload respects the RFC7519 specs.


tokenPathYesThe access token to verify


interface JwtPayload {
sub: string; // the user's email address
aud: string; // the domain where this user has given access to
iss: string; // the issuer (i.e.
exp: number; // when this token will expired (POSIX time in sec)
iat: number; // when this token has been issued (POSIX time in sec)
jti: string; // a unique identifier to the auth flow
amr: string[]; // a list of authentication method used to generate this token "webauthn" or "magiclink" for now
200This token is valid and has not expired
400The access token is malformed
401The access token is invalid (expired signature key or wrong token signature)
403The access token has a wrong issuer (iss !=
404The access token is valid but has expired (exp < now)


const response = await fetch(`${access_token}`);
const jwt = <JwtPayload>response.json();