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JWKS endpoints

These two endpoints are used to retrieve the public keys to verify any access token issued by our authorization server (

Nopwd uses the JSON Web Key (JWK) specification to represent the cryptographic keys used for signing P256 tokens. This specification defines two high-level data structures: JSON Web Key (JWK) and JSON Web Key Set (JWKS) Public key is in the JWKS Format so you can verify the signature for all generated access token.

GET/jwks/:kidReturns a specific JSON Web Key (JWK)
GET/jwksReturns a set of JSON Web Key (JWK)

GET /jwks/:kid

Returns a JWK identified by its kid.


:kidPathYesrepresents the unique identifier for the signing key


interface Jwk {
kid: string; // The unique identifier for the key
kty: string; // The family of cryptographic algorithms used with the key (we are using EC)
crv: string; // we are using "P-256"
x: string; // the x coordinate of the elliptic Curve (base64 url safe)
y: string; // the y coordinate of the elliptic Curve (base64 url safe)

Response Codes

200You did great.
404This key doesn’t exist or has been revoked.


const response = await fetch(`${kid}`);
const jwk = await response.json();

GET /jwks

Returns all valid JSON Web Keys (JWK).


interface Jwks {
keys: Jwk[]

Response Codes

200You did great.


const response = await fetch("");
const jwks = await response.json();